The Future is Now
Sunday, May 1st 2022 at Espacio Phi in Málaga
José Manuel González Martínez @josemanuelgonzalezmartinez
Wenda Douma @adnew_amsterdam
Sabine Geierhos @die_farbquelle
The artists use in this first artist collaboration the darkness of the studio space called 'Espacio Phi' in Málaga and invite the visitor to a 'Journey through the dark'.
Creator of the space is the light artist José Manuel González Martínez who in this collaboration translates his skills of "emotional geometry" into this gentle composition that this video-wall installation encounters.
The soundtrack of this journey and temporal dramaturgy is guided by a piece of instrumental music Wenda Douma has applied and given in order for former exhibitions in Amsterdam. Sounds of birds and of the movement of water start the sound journey and transform into a drum based beat, intensifying the water movement and creating a crescendo that then translates into an electric solo guitar.
The harmony follows soft water sounds, the ebb and flow of the tides to its high keys. The viewer is invited to let it sink in - the sound lets enough time to echo and allows to slow down as a heartbeat. In an allegro piano playfully it opens up before the closing.
In minimalist details Sabine Geierhos paintings hang at the corner of the wall and are being projected by the light video mapping. Influenced by outdoor paintings they reflect the local changes of Málaga and the Costa del Sol she is daily experiencing. Digital painting and effects of light and water create an abstract atmospheric but also figurative animation that Geierhos created digitally and Gonzalez then composed in unity.
The journey refers not only to the daily sunrise and sunset, the possibilities of light in combination with water which has its local references - Douma moving to Southern Spain in 2021, Geierhos in 2020 - all three artists living in El Ejido.
The journey of course can be considered as an analogy of the artists personal and life in general as a spiritual journey - whereas the sea, sun and sky as the birds are constant companions - the bird leading a particular guide for the viewer.
The darkness as start and end point is constantly present, not only in the studio itself but as an important element of transcendence of life's difficulties and therefore creative resource for the artists. EspacioPhi with its dark interior wants to contribute with its presence and art show to the local Art scene and offers with their event not only an identification with this sensual cinematic to the visitor, but also wants to show its studio space and art work to the public.