W⭕️NDERLAND Party Jan. 18, 2025
W⭕️NDERLAND Party Jan. 18, 2025
Dear friends, artists and curious minds,
As we wave goodbye to 2024 and get ready to paint the canvas of 2025, we would like to invite you to an evening of whimsy atCasa Adnew in Casabermeja. This year we are diving "d⭕️wn the rabbit hole" with an enchanting Alice in W⭕️nderland theme! Join us through the mirror to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and things can become "stranger and curiouser"....
Date: January 18 2⭕️25
Location: Casa Adnew, Casabermeja
Let's start the new year with laughter, inspiration and a pinch of nonsense! Have you made "big, important, lots-like" resolutions? Perhaps-to finally use those art supplies that are collecting dust? Or to finish that masterpiece you started last year? Well, here's your chance to share your progress, or at least one or two great ideas!
The evening promises spirited conversations, a toast (or several) with the Mad Hatter's finest, and creative exchanges galore. Whether you're a painter, sculptor, photographer, or just someone who believes in "six-impossible things before breakfast," we look forward to raising a glass to new beginnings and big dreams.
Do you have artwork that fits the Alice in W⭕️nderland theme? If so, let us know! We would love to display your pieces to create a magical atmosphere in January and February.
We can't wait to celebrate with you and start 2025 with lots of wonder, joy and maybe a few Cheshire Cat grins.
With warm regards and a touch of madness,
The Casa Adnew Team

Previous news articles
The Future is Now
Sunday, May 1st 2022 at Espacio Phi in Málaga
José Manuel González Martínez @josemanuelgonzalezmartinez
Wenda Douma @adnew_amsterdam
Sabine Geierhos @die_farbquelle
The artists use in this first artist collaboration the darkness of the studio space called 'Espacio Phi' in Málaga and invite the visitor to a 'Journey through the dark'.
Creator of the space is the light artist José Manuel González Martínez who in this collaboration translates his skills of "emotional geometry" into this gentle composition that this video-wall installation encounters.
The soundtrack of this journey and temporal dramaturgy is guided by a piece of instrumental music Wenda Douma has applied and given in order for former exhibitions in Amsterdam. Sounds of birds and of the movement of water start the sound journey and transform into a drum based beat, intensifying the water movement and creating a crescendo that then translates into an electric solo guitar.
The harmony follows soft water sounds, the ebb and flow of the tides to its high keys. The viewer is invited to let it sink in - the sound lets enough time to echo and allows to slow down as a heartbeat. In an allegro piano playfully it opens up before the closing.
In minimalist details Sabine Geierhos paintings hang at the corner of the wall and are being projected by the light video mapping. Influenced by outdoor paintings they reflect the local changes of Málaga and the Costa del Sol she is daily experiencing. Digital painting and effects of light and water create an abstract atmospheric but also figurative animation that Geierhos created digitally and Gonzalez then composed in unity.
The journey refers not only to the daily sunrise and sunset, the possibilities of light in combination with water which has its local references - Douma moving to Southern Spain in 2021, Geierhos in 2020 - all three artists living in El Ejido.
The journey of course can be considered as an analogy of the artists personal and life in general as a spiritual journey - whereas the sea, sun and sky as the birds are constant companions - the bird leading a particular guide for the viewer.
The darkness as start and end point is constantly present, not only in the studio itself but as an important element of transcendence of life's difficulties and therefore creative resource for the artists. EspacioPhi with its dark interior wants to contribute with its presence and art show to the local Art scene and offers with their event not only an identification with this sensual cinematic to the visitor, but also wants to show its studio space and art work to the public.
I have everything ready to make 2022 a beautiful, special and artistic year:
I hereby proudly invite you to the official opening of Casa Adnew Málaga. Joanne Batten will be making the opening remarks on Friday, April 1.
Casa Adnew is not an ordinary gallery, but a living room for creativity and art. My goal is to make art accessible, in the broadest sense. The art is available to borrow, to rent, to buy or to try out. By now more than 20 established artists have joined me, from different parts of the world. I am very happy with that.
Friday 1, Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April you can get acquainted with my new hotspot for creativity and with a nice selection of works by the affiliated artists.
Art is very personal and close. Art doesn't belong in a gallery or in a hallway, that's why the artworks are in a living room with me. My house is located at an intersection, in the middle of the vibrant neighborhood of 'Victoria'. It's always busy, cozy and dynamic here. You have to search for a parking space here, so I recommend you to come by public transport. Or prepare yourself well for a walk. Also, not everyone will fit in my house at the same time, which is why the opening is spread over 3 days. Daniel will meet you at the front door, if it is (too) full you can have a drink across the street.
Feel free to bring a guest!
With a speech by Joanne Batten, Casa Málaga was officially opened on April 1. Thank you Joan!
During the weekend of April 1, 2 and 3, I had the opportunity to meet an enormous number of new people. A lot of art was rented or sold and last week I already delivered the first works.
There has been a lot of interest from the local press, see a selection of these under the "news" button.
Now we're going to Rock&Roll...
because Amsterdam has to open too!
At the end of May I will drive back and forth from Málaga to Amsterdam to deliver art and bring it back. Contact with new artists has become almost a daily activity. Young artists are also given a chance. That also makes Casa Adnew special.
Soon I will start the newsletters, maybe later in the form of a magazine. Hanging on to my eyeballs.
Dear Greetings,
Newsletter June
...Through Casa Adnew, you can find art
rent, buy and try
in your own interior.
Casa Adnew is a house for
art. No museum, no
gallery but a home for art.
In the Casa collection, a variety of
styles, furniture, materials, trends and techniques
welcome. Meanwhile, more than 20 established
artists affiliated with me, coming from
different continents.
Will you come to my place?
How does Casa Adnew work?
Any artwork that can be rented (borrowed)
become, has a monthly rental fee at
basis of the sales price. Half of the monthly amount
is then rent, the other half you save.
This saved amount can be used at Casa Adnew again
Use for the purchase of art.
September 9, 10, 11 2022 at Casa Adnew®, Málaga
Hola, Hello!
It is an honor and a great pleasure to be able to invite you to our first Open Casa-event 'OUT OF THE ZOO', which will take place from 9 to 11 September next at Casa Adnew in Málaga!
It was a great desire to turn my house into an interesting place where it is bustling with whimsy and creativity. A gallery, but then different: a place where makers and lovers of art feel welcome, can meet and inspire each other.
This has succeeded! In all rooms there is now beautiful work by 30 artists from different corners of the world that asks to be seen and discussed. And of course you can take it home with you. Because all the work we exhibit is available for sale and for rent.
Inspire and be inspired is the central theme during the three days in which we open Casa Adnew Malaga, in the presence of the artists, to invited guests. A delicious snack and drink will provide the framework for what I think will be an interesting event that you do not want to miss!
I look forward to seeing you there! Feel free to bring someone along!
Wenda Douma
RSVP by August 28 at
December 9, 10, 11 2022 at Casa Adnew®, Amsterdam
Save the date for 'Back to the Zoo' on Dec. 9, 10 and 11 in Amsterdam !
After 'Out of the Zoo' in Málaga, Team Casa Adnew returns to the Netherlands at the end of this year to open the doors of 'Huize Adnew' Amsterdam. Don't be fooled by the title: 'Back to the Zoo'. That merely refers to the geographical spot where Wenda (and many an artist, adventurer and freedom seeker) found the inspiration to go her own way. Be sure to keep the end of Friday afternoon on Dec. 9 clear in your calendar.
More information to follow !
4 exhibitions in 2⭕️23
2 x Málaga
2 x Amsterdam
The future is n⭕️w !
More information soon !
M.A.M.A. 2⭕️23 Málaga.Amsterdam.Málaga.Amsterdam
Exhibition program / exhibiciónprograma!
Hereby I would like to present to you immediately the new year 2023 what we are all going to do.
Not only will there be 4 exhibitions in Málaga and Amsterdam but we will also be featured on EMálaga in which we are now also affiliated. Furthermore, we are busy working on separate expostions, which will be shown in beautiful locations. My project and the students of the art academy will also become more visible, so we are working hard!
Por la presente quiero presentaros todo lo que vamos a hacer en el año 2023.
No solo habrá 4 exposiciones en Málaga y Ámsterdam, sino que también podremos vernos en EMálaga, a la que ahora también estamos afiliados.
Además, estamos trabajando en exposiciones individuales, que se harán en lugares fantasticos. Mi proyecto con los estudiantes de la academia de arte también se hará más visible, ¡así que va a ser agradable y difícil!
Málaga 14 - 15 and 16 April abril
Amsterdam June 2 - 3 and 4
Málaga October 6 - 7 and 8 octubre
Amsterdam 8 - 9 and 10 December diciembre
Kombuisweg 27 - 1041 AV Amsterdam - The Netherlands - +31 623 049 934 -
Calle Manrique 18 bajo - 29013 Málaga - Spain - + 34 630 202 170 -
Klaas de Boer / Dr. Sedano / Nico Kroon / Mimi Ripoll / Rob de Lange / Nanon Morsink / Pauline Prior /
José Manuel González Martínez / Paola Kalshoven / Aga Strauss / Angelina
Delgado Librero / Eva Veldhoen / Sabine Geierhos / Jacobien Bosch / Carl Ilvarsson / Rodolfo Llopiz /
Rina Burger / Els Wiering / Monique Wijnschenk / Evelyne Rigaud / Marmijn van de Vate /
Birgit Gerritsen / Lydia van der Meer / Ineke van Wanrooy / Paul Arts / Nadia Salas Aluz / Antonio
Jesús González Martín / Nahid Sayyah / Negin Kianfar / Francisco González / Wenda Douma
M.A.M.A. 2⭕️23 SUMMER Málaga.Amsterdam.Málaga.Amsterdam
The first weekend of June Friday, June 2, Saturday, June 3 and Sunday, June 4, Wenda Douma will open her home Casa Adnew in Amsterdam and present a new exhibition.
Casa Adnew is presenting four exhibitions this year. They will be held alternately in Málaga and Amsterdam under the title M.A.M.A.
These exhibitions follow the rhythm of the four seasons. In this way, artistic communication between Málaga and Amsterdam is influenced.
After spring was the theme in Málaga, it's summer's turn in Amsterdam.
You can see works by international artists from Spain, the Netherlands, Cuba, Poland, Germany, Iran, Sweden, France, Argentina and Denmark, among others, on this occasion.
The opening will be performed by art director Carlo Wijnands who works at the Hermitage and The New Church.
I look forward to hearing what you think! This is the second time in Amsterdam that the doors are opening, attached are photos from last December that attracted at least 300 visitors.
All we can say is that it is going to be even more exciting.
Wenda Douma & Casa Adnew team
H⭕️T and SPICY
Have a l⭕️vely summer !
See you in September !
Exhibition M.A.M.A. 3 ⭕️toño / Autumn
Villanueva del Rosario
We were invited by fellow casa 'La Eclectica' to set up our new pop-up exhibition with them.
Visit our exhibition M.A.M.A. 3 "on the road.
Hemos sido invitados por los compañeros de casa 'La Eclectica' para montar nuestra nueva exposición temporal con ellos.
Visita nuestra exposición M.A.M.A. 3 'on the road'.
Calle Carrera 16 - Villanueva del Rosario
Friday / Viernes 6 octubre
- 18:00 Welcome / Bienvenido
- 19:00 Official opening by Mimi Ripoll
Inauguración oficial a cargo de Mimi Ripoll
Saturday / Sábado 7 octubre
- 14:00 - 19:00 Open Casa / Casa abierta
Sunday / Domingo 8 octubre
- 14:00 - 19:00 Open Casa/ Casa abierta
Klaas de Boer / Dr. Sedano / Nico Kroon / Mimi Ripoll / Rob de Lange / Nanon Morsink / Pauline Prior / José Manuel González Martínez / Paola Kalshoven / Aga Strauss / Angelina Delgado Librero / Vilde Elisabeth Becker Malling / Ariadna Isabeau Suárez Rivero / Cristina Gonzalez Roman / FuFu Lène / Eva Veldhoen / Sabine Geierhos / Jacobien Bosch / Carl Ifvarsson / Rodolfo Llopiz / Rina Burger / Els Wiering / Monique Wijnschenk / Evelyne Rigaud / Marmijn van de Vate / Madeleine Oosterbaan / Birgit Gerritsen / Lydia van der Meer / Ineke van Wanrooy / Nadia Salas Aluz / Antonio Jesús González Martín / Nahid Sayyah / Francisco González / Negin Kianfar / Kinga Wieczorek / Andrés Mérida / Jesús Eloy Sáchez García / Anna Nosowicz Ruiz / Rocío Verdejo / Wenda Douma
We are a few weeks into the renovation and it is now starting to become a big Casa space with its own heart. Lots of help from Maria and Juan, it is their property and they are very pleased with our arrival.
Thus, they made their scaffolding available for our work. And we needed it: the enormous height of almost 4 meters requires us to use it. Not only in terms of light, but also when placing extremely tall cabinets.
Sept. 5 ⭕️PENING
A date has been set for our OPENING: Thursday, September 5. Then there will be enough time for the construction of CASA ADNEW, without hurry and without stress.
It will be, in a word, amazing. Mark it in your calendar, book a ticket and reserve a room somewhere near Casabermeja. We are going to make it an opening that everyone will remember.
Over the next few months, we will tell more and more about it.
Our New Office in Casabermeja!
Exciting News: Our New Office in Casabermeja!
We are very happy to announce that we have moved to Casabermeja, an enchanted village just 20 minutes from bustling Malaga.
Here you will find the perfect balance between tranquility and creativity.
Our sincere thanks to all our friends, artists, clients and art lovers who made our opening night an unforgettable moment! Your presence and support made it magical.
Would you like to visit us? We would love to welcome you!
Email us at to schedule an appointment.
W⭕️NDERLAND Party Jan. 18, 2025
Dear friends, artists and curious minds,
As we wave goodbye to 2024 and get ready to paint the canvas of 2025, we would like to invite you to an evening of whimsy atCasa Adnew in Casabermeja. This year we are diving "d⭕️wn the rabbit hole" with an enchanting Alice in W⭕️nderland theme! Join us through the mirror to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and things can become "stranger and curiouser"....
Date: January 18 2⭕️25
Location: Casa Adnew, Casabermeja
Let's start the new year with laughter, inspiration and a pinch of nonsense! Have you made "big, important, lots-like" resolutions? Perhaps-to finally use those art supplies that are collecting dust? Or to finish that masterpiece you started last year? Well, here's your chance to share your progress, or at least one or two great ideas!
The evening promises spirited conversations, a toast (or several) with the Mad Hatter's finest, and creative exchanges galore. Whether you're a painter, sculptor, photographer, or just someone who believes in "six-impossible things before breakfast," we look forward to raising a glass to new beginnings and big dreams.
Do you have artwork that fits the Alice in W⭕️nderland theme? If so, let us know! We would love to display your pieces to create a magical atmosphere in January and February.
We can't wait to celebrate with you and start 2025 with lots of wonder, joy and maybe a few Cheshire Cat grins.
With warm regards and a touch of madness,
The Casa Adnew Team
I would like more information